Tattva1 knits

On my couch or at work

How do you Photoshop leg hair? April 8, 2010

Filed under: FO,knitting,Socks,WIP — Emily @ 8:01 am

Because I totally didn’t shave for these pictures.


Pattern: Uh, just a generic 56 stitch stockinette cuff-down sock, with a round afterthought heel a-la Turtlegirl‘s Let it Be sock.
Yarn: Online Supersock something or other
Needles: CP Bamboo size 0 (2.00mm)
Started: January 18, 2010
Finished: Oh hell, I don’t remember. Sometime before March 17th.


So I did the afterthought heel. I don’t like it on my foot, but I don’t do well with short row heels either. Were I to try again (which I might because I have more striping yarn) I’d work the heel over more stitches. I’d also be a little more particular about where I placed it – the foot portion of these socks are a little short.

These socks were possibly going to be gifts, but that’s not going to happen. Strike 1: They barely fit my feet, and the potential recipient has bigger feet than I. Strike 2: The yarn bled like crazy when I washed them. Strike 3: They were finished too late for the gift-giving occasion, so the person got a gift card instead.


But I do love the color, and even though they’re snug, it’s a good snug on me.  Maybe my subconscious made me make them too small.

Speaking of other small things, I’ve lost some weight.  My computer chair is just way too big for me now, see?


I just need a skirt and some wings, and then I’ll be done!